RV Poopchute "Eliminates the Worst Part of RVing!"
The RV Poopchute® was designed to line your RV Sewer Hose and eliminate the worst part of RVing, which is rinsing out your RV Sewer Hose each time you dump your tanks! No more wearing rubber boots and gloves when dumping! No more rinsing out your RV Sewer Hose and getting wet and nasty! No more storing your RV Sewer Hose in a special stinky tube!
The RV Poopchute® eliminates all of this. Simply measure the length you need from your black pipe to the sewer line. Video Cut and fold the RV Poopchute® in half and slide down the RV Sewer Hose. With the RV Poopchute sticking out both ends of your RV Sewer Hose you are ready to hook it up and dump your tanks.
Your RV Sewer Hose is now lined and the waste is running through the inside of your RV Poopchute®. This means there are no places for waste to build up inside your hose because of the smooth plastic RV Poopchute® liner!
Your RV Sewer Hose is designed with grooves inside of it. This is why they call it the "Stinky Slinky". Waste builds up in those grooves and soon it is sticking to waste coming through causing build ups. With the RV Poopchute® lining the RV Sewer Hose you will dump faster than you are used to. You will finish and clean up without the hose getting you wet and stinky! Video
Order your RV Poopchute® today and "Eliminate the Worst Part of RVing!"