How to Use:
1. Determine length of RVPoopchute needed.
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2. Fold tubing in half & insert into sewer hose and thread through.
3. Pull tubing up over sewer pipe 2"- 4".
4. With tubing attached to pipe, slide your sewer hose onto sewer pipe and twist.
5. Dump your tanks- Black tank first.
6. Disconnect sewer hose leaving RVPoopchute attached to sewer.
7. Carefully pull off the tubing and lift up to be sure hose is drained.
8. Tie a knot in RVPoopchute in the top of tubing you pulled off of RV.
9. Remove other end from the sewer drain and place it into plastic bag.
10. Pull RVPoopchute through the bottom of the hose into the bag. Dispose and Recycle.